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Augher Central Primary School, Augher


2020/2021 School Year

1st Oct 2020
Great to appoint our Captains and Prefects for the year. WE'LL DONE EVERYONE, looking...
4th Sep 2020
We love getting our wellies and waterproofs on and heading outside in P1&2....

2019/2020 School Year

25th Jun 2020
P7 as you finish your primary school journey and head off to different schools we...
6th May 2020
Brilliant information on how to help your child with reading, writing and spelling...
4th May 2020
Really delighted to get pictures of so many of you baking for our Facebook challenge. ...
30th Apr 2020
Have a look at what Primary 1 and 2 have been up to at home. Lots of great learning...
29th Apr 2020
It's hard to believe that we are now in our final term of this school year. I have...