Principal's Welcome

- Augher Central Primary School is a thriving school in the heart of the Clogher Valley. We are committed to providing a high quality education in a stimulating and caring learning environment. In Augher we strive to offer an education which gives children a love for learning, broadens their horizons and provides the skills and strategies to enable them to make life choices. All children are unique and talented, we celebrate the uniqueness and success of every pupil. In 2017 we were thrilled to be awarded Families First NI Best Primary School Award and were honoured to be nominated by the parents and governor who nominated us.
We have high expectations for achievement and behavior in all aspects of schools life. At school we focus on the all round development of the child catering for personal, social and academic needs of our pupils. Throughout their primary school education we expect pupils to become independent and confident learners and workers who are highly motivated and are being nurtured to become citizens of the future. We are delighted with our most recent Inspection Report which recognized the quality of education at Augher Central as being ’Very Good to Outstanding’ in all areas. Over the last few years the school has opening two new extension wings and we are proud to have first class facilities to help us deliver child centered education.
Augher Central is a family school where we promote a caring and Christian ethos. The staff work in partnership with the Board of Governors and Parents to ensure a high quality of teaching and learning and that parents are regularly informed and given opportunities to be actively involved in their children’s education.
Extra-curricular activities play a major role in our school life, with classes having the opportunity to go on educational trips linked with their school topics on a termly basis. We also offer a variety of after-school clubs including football, hockey and Tag rugby, drama, ICT and cookery to name a few. Music and Drama plays a big role in our school with several pupils taking instrumental lessons and all pupils having the opportunity to participate in school choirs and go along to local festivals.
Choosing a school can be a difficult decision and we believe the best way to view a school is to see it in action! If you are interested in enrolling your child in our school please contact us to make an appointment where you can meet the staff and view our school facilities and resources or come along to our Open Day in December. To find out more about our school log onto
Andrea Sawyers (School Principal)
Contact details
17 Knockmany Road
Co Tyrone
BT77 0BE
028 855 48443