School Council - Eco committee

Our Little Green Fingers Project!
This term we are are very excited to be involved with the BBC and the little green fingers project. David Maxwell from gardeners corner on BBC radio Ulster and his team, are helping the Eco committee to transform our Eco garden. Over the past couple of years it has became a little overgrown and run down, so with the help of these professionals, our Eco committee and some very hardworking parents, we aim to transform the garden into an amazing space for all the children at ACPS to enjoy. We started the project in February of this year and hope to have it completed before we finish up in June. Here are some photos of the progress so far!
Live Here Love Here
Pollinator School Grant Project - we are really thankful to Live Here Love Here for providing funding for many aspects of our Outdoor Funding - we have been able to spruce up, plant lots of new bushes, plants and wildflowers to enhance our learning area.